EQ21 Run Shoes Shoes for the daily runner. When running is your sport, there's nothing you love more than that daily run. Log miles in ultimate comfort when you lace up in these adidas shoes. A breathable upper keeps feet feeling cool and fresh on warm days. Lightweight cushioning makes each step more enjoyable. This product is made with recycled content as part of our ambition to end plastic waste. 20% of pieces used to make the upper are made with minimum 50% recycled content.
EQ21 Run Shoes Shoes for the daily runner. When running is your sport, there's nothing you love more than that daily run. Log miles in ultimate comfort when you lace up in these adidas shoes. A breathable upper keeps feet feeling cool and fresh on warm days. Lightweight cushioning makes each step more enjoyable. This product is made with recycled content as part of our ambition to end plastic waste. 20% of pieces used to make the upper are made with minimum 50% recycled content.
EQ21 Run Shoes Shoes for the daily runner. When running is your sport, there's nothing you love more than that daily run. Log miles in ultimate comfort when you lace up in these adidas shoes. A breathable upper keeps feet feeling cool and fresh on warm days. Lightweight cushioning makes each step more enjoyable. This product is made with recycled content as part of our ambition to end plastic waste. 20% of pieces used to make the upper are made with minimum 50% recycled content.
EQ21 Run Shoes Shoes for the daily runner. When running is your sport, there's nothing you love more than that daily run. Log miles in ultimate comfort when you lace up in these adidas shoes. A breathable upper keeps feet feeling cool and fresh on warm days. Lightweight cushioning makes each step more enjoyable. This product is made with recycled content as part of our ambition to end plastic waste. 20% of pieces used to make the upper are made with minimum 50% recycled content.
Binding | Apparel |
Style | Road Running |
Binding | Apparel |
Style | Road Running |