Cadbury Fairtrade Hot Chocolate Instant Sachet Delivered to Australia
Cadbury Fairtrade Hot Chocolate Instant Sachet Delivered to Australia
Cadbury Fairtrade Hot Chocolate Instant Sachet Delivered to Australia

Cadbury Fairtrade Hot Chocolate Instant Sachet Delivered to Australia

(1,202 reviews)

Sit back and enjoying a relaxing moment with a cup of Cadbury Fairtrade Hot Chocolate, which now comes in this instant sachet format so you can enjoy your favourite hot chocolate drink wherever you are. This handy single serve 28g sachet has the same great Cadbury chocolate taste, and what's more, the chocolate is Fairtrade certified. To make, simply add hot water for an instant chocolaty drink. Alternatively, for a creamier drink, try making with hot milk. And for the ultimate decadence, add some marshmallows, a dollop of whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles on top.

Sit back and enjoying a relaxing moment with a cup of Cadbury Fairtrade Hot Chocolate, which now comes in this instant sachet format so you can enjoy your favourite hot chocolate drink wherever you are. This handy single serve 28g sachet has the same great Cadbury chocolate taste, and what's more, the chocolate is Fairtrade certified. To make, simply add hot water for an instant chocolaty drink. Alternatively, for a creamier drink, try making with hot milk. And for the ultimate decadence, add some marshmallows, a dollop of whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles on top.


in 1 offers

Cadbury Fairtrade Hot Chocolate Instant Sachet Delivered to Australia


(1,202 reviews)

Sit back and enjoying a relaxing moment with a cup of Cadbury Fairtrade Hot Chocolate, which now comes in this instant sachet format so you can enjoy your favourite hot chocolate drink wherever you are. This handy single serve 28g sachet has the same great Cadbury chocolate taste, and what's more, the chocolate is Fairtrade certified. To make, simply add hot water for an instant chocolaty drink. Alternatively, for a creamier drink, try making with hot milk. And for the ultimate decadence, add some marshmallows, a dollop of whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles on top.

Sit back and enjoying a relaxing moment with a cup of Cadbury Fairtrade Hot Chocolate, which now comes in this instant sachet format so you can enjoy your favourite hot chocolate drink wherever you are. This handy single serve 28g sachet has the same great Cadbury chocolate taste, and what's more, the chocolate is Fairtrade certified. To make, simply add hot water for an instant chocolaty drink. Alternatively, for a creamier drink, try making with hot milk. And for the ultimate decadence, add some marshmallows, a dollop of whipped cream and chocolate sprinkles on top.