Crown Lager 375ml
Crown Lager 375ml
Crown Lager 375ml
Crown Lager 375ml
Crown Lager 375ml

Crown Lager 375ml

(293 reviews)

A full flavoured classic premium Australian lager brewed with 100% Australian malt and only the finest natural ingredients locally sourced. Crown Lager has a fruity note and subtle hop aroma that is backed up by a rich malty aroma which transfers to the taste. This provides a rich malty mid-palate that is balanced by the crisp clean finish of Pride of Ringwood hops. Extended storage softens and rounds out the flavours produced during fermentation.

A full flavoured classic premium Australian lager brewed with 100% Australian malt and only the finest natural ingredients locally sourced. Crown Lager has a fruity note and subtle hop aroma that is backed up by a rich malty aroma which transfers to the taste. This provides a rich malty mid-palate that is balanced by the crisp clean finish of Pride of Ringwood hops. Extended storage softens and rounds out the flavours produced during fermentation.

$59.99 - $95.76

in 19 offers

Crown Lager 375ml


(293 reviews)

A full flavoured classic premium Australian lager brewed with 100% Australian malt and only the finest natural ingredients locally sourced. Crown Lager has a fruity note and subtle hop aroma that is backed up by a rich malty aroma which transfers to the taste. This provides a rich malty mid-palate that is balanced by the crisp clean finish of Pride of Ringwood hops. Extended storage softens and rounds out the flavours produced during fermentation.

A full flavoured classic premium Australian lager brewed with 100% Australian malt and only the finest natural ingredients locally sourced. Crown Lager has a fruity note and subtle hop aroma that is backed up by a rich malty aroma which transfers to the taste. This provides a rich malty mid-palate that is balanced by the crisp clean finish of Pride of Ringwood hops. Extended storage softens and rounds out the flavours produced during fermentation.