Frank Green's payWave reusable cup not only fuses design form and function, but also lets you pay for anything under $50. From the first coffee of the day to the last, and everything in between, simply pay with a wave of the base of your next generation pay-wave cup or bottle by frank green!
Frank Green's payWave reusable cup not only fuses design form and function, but also lets you pay for anything under $50. From the first coffee of the day to the last, and everything in between, simply pay with a wave of the base of your next generation pay-wave cup or bottle by frank green!
Frank Green's payWave reusable cup not only fuses design form and function, but also lets you pay for anything under $50. From the first coffee of the day to the last, and everything in between, simply pay with a wave of the base of your next generation pay-wave cup or bottle by frank green!
Frank Green's payWave reusable cup not only fuses design form and function, but also lets you pay for anything under $50. From the first coffee of the day to the last, and everything in between, simply pay with a wave of the base of your next generation pay-wave cup or bottle by frank green!