Headline Acts Shiraz 750ml
Headline Acts Shiraz 750ml
Headline Acts Shiraz 750ml

Headline Acts Shiraz 750ml

A lively medium bodied red wine, fruity and approachable, can be enjoyed at different occasions. Ruby red in the glass with lifted red fruit filled with cherry strawberry character and a hint of spices. Rich fruity in palate with soft approachable tannins. Ideal for drinking now with your favourite pizza or pasta dish.

A lively medium bodied red wine, fruity and approachable, can be enjoyed at different occasions. Ruby red in the glass with lifted red fruit filled with cherry strawberry character and a hint of spices. Rich fruity in palate with soft approachable tannins. Ideal for drinking now with your favourite pizza or pasta dish.

$15.00 - $20.00

in 3 offers

Headline Acts Shiraz 750ml


A lively medium bodied red wine, fruity and approachable, can be enjoyed at different occasions. Ruby red in the glass with lifted red fruit filled with cherry strawberry character and a hint of spices. Rich fruity in palate with soft approachable tannins. Ideal for drinking now with your favourite pizza or pasta dish.

A lively medium bodied red wine, fruity and approachable, can be enjoyed at different occasions. Ruby red in the glass with lifted red fruit filled with cherry strawberry character and a hint of spices. Rich fruity in palate with soft approachable tannins. Ideal for drinking now with your favourite pizza or pasta dish.