Heinz Ketchup 300ml
Heinz Ketchup 300ml
Heinz Ketchup 300ml

Heinz Ketchup 300ml

(26,807 reviews)

Heinz Tomato Ketchup is a classic, versatile condiment. It's the perfect dipping sauce for hot chips and potato wedges, and also the perfect accompaniment to sausages and burgers. Perfect as a dip for fried food like chicken nuggets, chips and onion rings. Heinz Tomato Ketchup is the perfect combo of sweet and tangy, which also makes it delicious on homemade burgers and meat pies. Packed in a squeezy bottle, you can easily squeeze as much as you want on your meals and snacks.

Heinz Tomato Ketchup is a classic, versatile condiment. It's the perfect dipping sauce for hot chips and potato wedges, and also the perfect accompaniment to sausages and burgers. Perfect as a dip for fried food like chicken nuggets, chips and onion rings. Heinz Tomato Ketchup is the perfect combo of sweet and tangy, which also makes it delicious on homemade burgers and meat pies. Packed in a squeezy bottle, you can easily squeeze as much as you want on your meals and snacks.

$13.04 - $15.09

in 2 offers

Heinz Ketchup 300ml


(26,807 reviews)

Heinz Tomato Ketchup is a classic, versatile condiment. It's the perfect dipping sauce for hot chips and potato wedges, and also the perfect accompaniment to sausages and burgers. Perfect as a dip for fried food like chicken nuggets, chips and onion rings. Heinz Tomato Ketchup is the perfect combo of sweet and tangy, which also makes it delicious on homemade burgers and meat pies. Packed in a squeezy bottle, you can easily squeeze as much as you want on your meals and snacks.

Heinz Tomato Ketchup is a classic, versatile condiment. It's the perfect dipping sauce for hot chips and potato wedges, and also the perfect accompaniment to sausages and burgers. Perfect as a dip for fried food like chicken nuggets, chips and onion rings. Heinz Tomato Ketchup is the perfect combo of sweet and tangy, which also makes it delicious on homemade burgers and meat pies. Packed in a squeezy bottle, you can easily squeeze as much as you want on your meals and snacks.