Houghton Shiraz 750ml
Houghton Shiraz 750ml
Houghton Shiraz 750ml

Houghton Shiraz 750ml

Houghton Shiraz 750mL - This rich, full flavoured Shiraz is from the Houghton Estate, which has been producing wine for 175 years in Western Australia. With so much experience expect a Shiraz that epitomises flavour and goes well with roast beef or a nice hard cheese. Price may vary per state.

Houghton Shiraz 750mL - This rich, full flavoured Shiraz is from the Houghton Estate, which has been producing wine for 175 years in Western Australia. With so much experience expect a Shiraz that epitomises flavour and goes well with roast beef or a nice hard cheese. Price may vary per state.

$9.99 - $19.19

in 10 offers

Houghton Shiraz 750ml


Houghton Shiraz 750mL - This rich, full flavoured Shiraz is from the Houghton Estate, which has been producing wine for 175 years in Western Australia. With so much experience expect a Shiraz that epitomises flavour and goes well with roast beef or a nice hard cheese. Price may vary per state.

Houghton Shiraz 750mL - This rich, full flavoured Shiraz is from the Houghton Estate, which has been producing wine for 175 years in Western Australia. With so much experience expect a Shiraz that epitomises flavour and goes well with roast beef or a nice hard cheese. Price may vary per state.