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Jameson Irish Whiskey 700ml
Jameson Irish Whiskey 700ml
Jameson Irish Whiskey 700ml
Jameson Irish Whiskey 700ml
Jameson Irish Whiskey 700ml

Jameson Irish Whiskey 700ml

(11,640 reviews)

Jameson's Irish Whiskey is the most popular and appreciated Irish whiskey in the world, a blend of malt and cereal whiskey that once distilled, in three steps, ages for at least 4 years between ex-sherry and ex-bourbon barrels, acquiring an extraordinary softness and versatility. It is characterized by a golden color tending to amber. On the nose it offers delicate floral aromas that mix with elegant hints of malt, apple and mango. In the mouth it expresses an excellent balance between hazelnut, vanilla and sherry notes, hinged on an irresistible roundness and composure. Recommended to serve straight or on ice cubes. Also ideal for preparing delicious cocktails.

Jameson's Irish Whiskey is the most popular and appreciated Irish whiskey in the world, a blend of malt and cereal whiskey that once distilled, in three steps, ages for at least 4 years between ex-sherry and ex-bourbon barrels, acquiring an extraordinary softness and versatility. It is characterized by a golden color tending to amber. On the nose it offers delicate floral aromas that mix with elegant hints of malt, apple and mango. In the mouth it expresses an excellent balance between hazelnut, vanilla and sherry notes, hinged on an irresistible roundness and composure. Recommended to serve straight or on ice cubes. Also ideal for preparing delicious cocktails.

$23.70 - $99.13

in 53 offers

Jameson Irish Whiskey 700ml


(11,640 reviews)

Jameson's Irish Whiskey is the most popular and appreciated Irish whiskey in the world, a blend of malt and cereal whiskey that once distilled, in three steps, ages for at least 4 years between ex-sherry and ex-bourbon barrels, acquiring an extraordinary softness and versatility. It is characterized by a golden color tending to amber. On the nose it offers delicate floral aromas that mix with elegant hints of malt, apple and mango. In the mouth it expresses an excellent balance between hazelnut, vanilla and sherry notes, hinged on an irresistible roundness and composure. Recommended to serve straight or on ice cubes. Also ideal for preparing delicious cocktails.

Jameson's Irish Whiskey is the most popular and appreciated Irish whiskey in the world, a blend of malt and cereal whiskey that once distilled, in three steps, ages for at least 4 years between ex-sherry and ex-bourbon barrels, acquiring an extraordinary softness and versatility. It is characterized by a golden color tending to amber. On the nose it offers delicate floral aromas that mix with elegant hints of malt, apple and mango. In the mouth it expresses an excellent balance between hazelnut, vanilla and sherry notes, hinged on an irresistible roundness and composure. Recommended to serve straight or on ice cubes. Also ideal for preparing delicious cocktails.