Product Description Introducing our K9 Natural Lamb & Salmon Feast, now available in a generous 170g/370g can. This premium dog food is crafted without any gelling agents, infused only with pure, natural New Zealand water. Its grain-free, wholefood formula offers a complete and balanced diet, packaged in a can that’s convenient for storage and perfect for serving up a wholesome meal anytime. Designed to appeal to even the most selective dogs, K9 Natural Lamb & Salmon Feast caters to the innate meat-rich dietary preferences of canines. Full of New Zealand's finest wholefood ingredients, our Lamb & Salmon formula combines grass-fed, free-range lamb with sustainably caught salmon. This duo provides abundant proteins and fats essential for your dog's natural vitality and energy. Our commitment to your dog's health is reflected in our recipe, free from GMO ingredients, fillers, legumes, plant proteins, starches, preservatives, gums, binders, and BPA. Ingredients This wholesome blend features Lamb, Lamb Tripe, Lamb Heart, Salmon, Lamb Kidney, Lamb Liver, Lamb Blood, Eggs, and Lamb Spleen, complemented by Ground Lamb Bone. Nutritious Sunflower Oil, Flaxseed Flakes, Brown Kelp, New Zealand Green Mussel, and an array of vegetables (Pumpkin, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage) enhance the recipe. It's fortified with Potassium Sulphate, Dried Kelp, Apples, Pears, Salt, Vitamin E Supplement, a spectrum of essential minerals and vitamins, and water sufficient for processing. Additional Information Brand: K9 Naturals Life Stage: Adult Size: 170g/370g Health Benefits: Grain-Free, Natural, crafted to support holistic health. Breed Suitability: Ideal for All Breeds Australian Made: No Weight Control: Not specifically designed for weight management Product Category: Wet Food Discover the K9 Natural Lamb & Salmon Feast – a perfect blend of quality and taste, delivering a nutritious and delicious experience that your dog will love.
Product Description Introducing our K9 Natural Lamb & Salmon Feast, now available in a generous 170g/370g can. This premium dog food is crafted without any gelling agents, infused only with pure, natural New Zealand water. Its grain-free, wholefood formula offers a complete and balanced diet, packaged in a can that’s convenient for storage and perfect for serving up a wholesome meal anytime. Designed to appeal to even the most selective dogs, K9 Natural Lamb & Salmon Feast caters to the innate meat-rich dietary preferences of canines. Full of New Zealand's finest wholefood ingredients, our Lamb & Salmon formula combines grass-fed, free-range lamb with sustainably caught salmon. This duo provides abundant proteins and fats essential for your dog's natural vitality and energy. Our commitment to your dog's health is reflected in our recipe, free from GMO ingredients, fillers, legumes, plant proteins, starches, preservatives, gums, binders, and BPA. Ingredients This wholesome blend features Lamb, Lamb Tripe, Lamb Heart, Salmon, Lamb Kidney, Lamb Liver, Lamb Blood, Eggs, and Lamb Spleen, complemented by Ground Lamb Bone. Nutritious Sunflower Oil, Flaxseed Flakes, Brown Kelp, New Zealand Green Mussel, and an array of vegetables (Pumpkin, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage) enhance the recipe. It's fortified with Potassium Sulphate, Dried Kelp, Apples, Pears, Salt, Vitamin E Supplement, a spectrum of essential minerals and vitamins, and water sufficient for processing. Additional Information Brand: K9 Naturals Life Stage: Adult Size: 170g/370g Health Benefits: Grain-Free, Natural, crafted to support holistic health. Breed Suitability: Ideal for All Breeds Australian Made: No Weight Control: Not specifically designed for weight management Product Category: Wet Food Discover the K9 Natural Lamb & Salmon Feast – a perfect blend of quality and taste, delivering a nutritious and delicious experience that your dog will love.
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Product Description Introducing our K9 Natural Lamb & Salmon Feast, now available in a generous 170g/370g can. This premium dog food is crafted without any gelling agents, infused only with pure, natural New Zealand water. Its grain-free, wholefood formula offers a complete and balanced diet, packaged in a can that’s convenient for storage and perfect for serving up a wholesome meal anytime. Designed to appeal to even the most selective dogs, K9 Natural Lamb & Salmon Feast caters to the innate meat-rich dietary preferences of canines. Full of New Zealand's finest wholefood ingredients, our Lamb & Salmon formula combines grass-fed, free-range lamb with sustainably caught salmon. This duo provides abundant proteins and fats essential for your dog's natural vitality and energy. Our commitment to your dog's health is reflected in our recipe, free from GMO ingredients, fillers, legumes, plant proteins, starches, preservatives, gums, binders, and BPA. Ingredients This wholesome blend features Lamb, Lamb Tripe, Lamb Heart, Salmon, Lamb Kidney, Lamb Liver, Lamb Blood, Eggs, and Lamb Spleen, complemented by Ground Lamb Bone. Nutritious Sunflower Oil, Flaxseed Flakes, Brown Kelp, New Zealand Green Mussel, and an array of vegetables (Pumpkin, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage) enhance the recipe. It's fortified with Potassium Sulphate, Dried Kelp, Apples, Pears, Salt, Vitamin E Supplement, a spectrum of essential minerals and vitamins, and water sufficient for processing. Additional Information Brand: K9 Naturals Life Stage: Adult Size: 170g/370g Health Benefits: Grain-Free, Natural, crafted to support holistic health. Breed Suitability: Ideal for All Breeds Australian Made: No Weight Control: Not specifically designed for weight management Product Category: Wet Food Discover the K9 Natural Lamb & Salmon Feast – a perfect blend of quality and taste, delivering a nutritious and delicious experience that your dog will love.
Product Description Introducing our K9 Natural Lamb & Salmon Feast, now available in a generous 170g/370g can. This premium dog food is crafted without any gelling agents, infused only with pure, natural New Zealand water. Its grain-free, wholefood formula offers a complete and balanced diet, packaged in a can that’s convenient for storage and perfect for serving up a wholesome meal anytime. Designed to appeal to even the most selective dogs, K9 Natural Lamb & Salmon Feast caters to the innate meat-rich dietary preferences of canines. Full of New Zealand's finest wholefood ingredients, our Lamb & Salmon formula combines grass-fed, free-range lamb with sustainably caught salmon. This duo provides abundant proteins and fats essential for your dog's natural vitality and energy. Our commitment to your dog's health is reflected in our recipe, free from GMO ingredients, fillers, legumes, plant proteins, starches, preservatives, gums, binders, and BPA. Ingredients This wholesome blend features Lamb, Lamb Tripe, Lamb Heart, Salmon, Lamb Kidney, Lamb Liver, Lamb Blood, Eggs, and Lamb Spleen, complemented by Ground Lamb Bone. Nutritious Sunflower Oil, Flaxseed Flakes, Brown Kelp, New Zealand Green Mussel, and an array of vegetables (Pumpkin, Broccoli, Cauliflower, Cabbage) enhance the recipe. It's fortified with Potassium Sulphate, Dried Kelp, Apples, Pears, Salt, Vitamin E Supplement, a spectrum of essential minerals and vitamins, and water sufficient for processing. Additional Information Brand: K9 Naturals Life Stage: Adult Size: 170g/370g Health Benefits: Grain-Free, Natural, crafted to support holistic health. Breed Suitability: Ideal for All Breeds Australian Made: No Weight Control: Not specifically designed for weight management Product Category: Wet Food Discover the K9 Natural Lamb & Salmon Feast – a perfect blend of quality and taste, delivering a nutritious and delicious experience that your dog will love.
Last updated at 04/02/2025 23:38:39
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Variant | |
size | 170g*12 |
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size | 170g*12 |