Kamana Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Kamana Sauvignon Blanc 750ml
Kamana Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Kamana Sauvignon Blanc 750ml

Kamana is a full flavoured wine that pays homage to the striking Kamana bird that hails from the same location. Bursting with notes of ripe passionfruit with a peachy sweetness on the palate. Pair with seafood.

Kamana is a full flavoured wine that pays homage to the striking Kamana bird that hails from the same location. Bursting with notes of ripe passionfruit with a peachy sweetness on the palate. Pair with seafood.

$19.99 - $20.99

in 3 offers

Kamana Sauvignon Blanc 750ml


Kamana is a full flavoured wine that pays homage to the striking Kamana bird that hails from the same location. Bursting with notes of ripe passionfruit with a peachy sweetness on the palate. Pair with seafood.

Kamana is a full flavoured wine that pays homage to the striking Kamana bird that hails from the same location. Bursting with notes of ripe passionfruit with a peachy sweetness on the palate. Pair with seafood.