Kooyong Estate Chardonnay 750ml
Kooyong Estate Chardonnay 750ml
Kooyong Estate Chardonnay 750ml

Kooyong Estate Chardonnay 750ml

Kooyong Estate Chardonnay 750mL - The Kooyong Chardonnay is a beautifully textured wine with a nose of citrus, minerals, quality French oak and an earthiness that's reminiscent of white Burgundy. A complex chardonnay with sulphide tinged lees and ripe stone fruit aromas. The palate is tight and elegant but loaded with charm and detail. Take a look at one of the Peninsula's most respected white wine offerings. Price may vary per state.

Kooyong Estate Chardonnay 750mL - The Kooyong Chardonnay is a beautifully textured wine with a nose of citrus, minerals, quality French oak and an earthiness that's reminiscent of white Burgundy. A complex chardonnay with sulphide tinged lees and ripe stone fruit aromas. The palate is tight and elegant but loaded with charm and detail. Take a look at one of the Peninsula's most respected white wine offerings. Price may vary per state.

$39.90 - $58.00

in 13 offers

Kooyong Estate Chardonnay 750ml


Kooyong Estate Chardonnay 750mL - The Kooyong Chardonnay is a beautifully textured wine with a nose of citrus, minerals, quality French oak and an earthiness that's reminiscent of white Burgundy. A complex chardonnay with sulphide tinged lees and ripe stone fruit aromas. The palate is tight and elegant but loaded with charm and detail. Take a look at one of the Peninsula's most respected white wine offerings. Price may vary per state.

Kooyong Estate Chardonnay 750mL - The Kooyong Chardonnay is a beautifully textured wine with a nose of citrus, minerals, quality French oak and an earthiness that's reminiscent of white Burgundy. A complex chardonnay with sulphide tinged lees and ripe stone fruit aromas. The palate is tight and elegant but loaded with charm and detail. Take a look at one of the Peninsula's most respected white wine offerings. Price may vary per state.