Mismatch Lager Can 375ml
Mismatch Lager Can 375ml
Mismatch Lager Can 375ml

Mismatch Lager Can 375ml

Mismatch Brewing Lager is an elegant, clean lager from the Adelaide Hills. In today's fast paced world, the art of patience has been lost. The key to a top lager is time, and Mismatch Brewing's method of step mashing and prolonged lagering produces a beer that is gracefully subtle and refined. Inspired by the great Helles style beers of Germany, Mismatch Lager champions famed Hallertau hops and their earthy, herbaceous tones and aromatics, with W-34/70 yeast from ferments added, the famous strain from Weihenstephan (the world's oldest brewery), Mismatch Brewing Lager is a smooth, sessionable and delicious South Australian beer. The ultimate thirst quencher!

Mismatch Brewing Lager is an elegant, clean lager from the Adelaide Hills. In today's fast paced world, the art of patience has been lost. The key to a top lager is time, and Mismatch Brewing's method of step mashing and prolonged lagering produces a beer that is gracefully subtle and refined. Inspired by the great Helles style beers of Germany, Mismatch Lager champions famed Hallertau hops and their earthy, herbaceous tones and aromatics, with W-34/70 yeast from ferments added, the famous strain from Weihenstephan (the world's oldest brewery), Mismatch Brewing Lager is a smooth, sessionable and delicious South Australian beer. The ultimate thirst quencher!

$65.99 - $84.00

in 3 offers

Mismatch Lager Can 375ml


Mismatch Brewing Lager is an elegant, clean lager from the Adelaide Hills. In today's fast paced world, the art of patience has been lost. The key to a top lager is time, and Mismatch Brewing's method of step mashing and prolonged lagering produces a beer that is gracefully subtle and refined. Inspired by the great Helles style beers of Germany, Mismatch Lager champions famed Hallertau hops and their earthy, herbaceous tones and aromatics, with W-34/70 yeast from ferments added, the famous strain from Weihenstephan (the world's oldest brewery), Mismatch Brewing Lager is a smooth, sessionable and delicious South Australian beer. The ultimate thirst quencher!

Mismatch Brewing Lager is an elegant, clean lager from the Adelaide Hills. In today's fast paced world, the art of patience has been lost. The key to a top lager is time, and Mismatch Brewing's method of step mashing and prolonged lagering produces a beer that is gracefully subtle and refined. Inspired by the great Helles style beers of Germany, Mismatch Lager champions famed Hallertau hops and their earthy, herbaceous tones and aromatics, with W-34/70 yeast from ferments added, the famous strain from Weihenstephan (the world's oldest brewery), Mismatch Brewing Lager is a smooth, sessionable and delicious South Australian beer. The ultimate thirst quencher!