My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, an average middle school student in a world where people with superpowers known as "Quirks" are the norm. Deku dreams of one day having a Quirk, so that he too can call himself a hero, especially since he is always bullied at school. However, Deku’s luck changes after he is the only person to try and save his childhood bully from a villain. As a result, the World’s Greatest Hero, All Might, bestows upon him his own quirk, “One For All”. Deku then enters U.A. High School, a school that develops the next generation of Heroes. This Pop! features Keigo Takami, aka Hawks, whose quirk "Fierce Wings", bestows Hawks with a set of red feathery wings on his back.
My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, an average middle school student in a world where people with superpowers known as "Quirks" are the norm. Deku dreams of one day having a Quirk, so that he too can call himself a hero, especially since he is always bullied at school. However, Deku’s luck changes after he is the only person to try and save his childhood bully from a villain. As a result, the World’s Greatest Hero, All Might, bestows upon him his own quirk, “One For All”. Deku then enters U.A. High School, a school that develops the next generation of Heroes. This Pop! features Keigo Takami, aka Hawks, whose quirk "Fierce Wings", bestows Hawks with a set of red feathery wings on his back.
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My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, an average middle school student in a world where people with superpowers known as "Quirks" are the norm. Deku dreams of one day having a Quirk, so that he too can call himself a hero, especially since he is always bullied at school. However, Deku’s luck changes after he is the only person to try and save his childhood bully from a villain. As a result, the World’s Greatest Hero, All Might, bestows upon him his own quirk, “One For All”. Deku then enters U.A. High School, a school that develops the next generation of Heroes. This Pop! features Keigo Takami, aka Hawks, whose quirk "Fierce Wings", bestows Hawks with a set of red feathery wings on his back.
My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, an average middle school student in a world where people with superpowers known as "Quirks" are the norm. Deku dreams of one day having a Quirk, so that he too can call himself a hero, especially since he is always bullied at school. However, Deku’s luck changes after he is the only person to try and save his childhood bully from a villain. As a result, the World’s Greatest Hero, All Might, bestows upon him his own quirk, “One For All”. Deku then enters U.A. High School, a school that develops the next generation of Heroes. This Pop! features Keigo Takami, aka Hawks, whose quirk "Fierce Wings", bestows Hawks with a set of red feathery wings on his back.
Last updated at 14/01/2025 12:51:15
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Manufacturer's Suggested Maximum Weight | 1 Kilograms |
Number of pieces | 1 |
Assembly Required | No |
Material Type(s) | Vinyl |
Release date | 6 April 2023 |
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Manufacturer's Suggested Maximum Weight | 1 Kilograms |
Number of pieces | 1 |
Assembly Required | No |
Material Type(s) | Vinyl |
Release date | 6 April 2023 |