Quealy Pinot Grigio 750ml
Quealy Pinot Grigio 750ml
Quealy Pinot Grigio 750ml

Quealy Pinot Grigio 750ml

Aroma of rock pool, pear and wood smoke. Light and energetic on the palate with a delicious dollop of creamy fruit. The vineyards of 20 years plus, dry grown on shallow clay soils, are key to the fine body of this wine. Only free run portion of less than 650 litres per ton protect the delicacy, vibrancy and natural fine acidity. This wine is certified organic.Now, more than ever, it’s so important to support local Victorian producers.

Aroma of rock pool, pear and wood smoke. Light and energetic on the palate with a delicious dollop of creamy fruit. The vineyards of 20 years plus, dry grown on shallow clay soils, are key to the fine body of this wine. Only free run portion of less than 650 litres per ton protect the delicacy, vibrancy and natural fine acidity. This wine is certified organic.Now, more than ever, it’s so important to support local Victorian producers.

$32.55 - $35.81

in 3 offers

Quealy Pinot Grigio 750ml


Aroma of rock pool, pear and wood smoke. Light and energetic on the palate with a delicious dollop of creamy fruit. The vineyards of 20 years plus, dry grown on shallow clay soils, are key to the fine body of this wine. Only free run portion of less than 650 litres per ton protect the delicacy, vibrancy and natural fine acidity. This wine is certified organic.Now, more than ever, it’s so important to support local Victorian producers.

Aroma of rock pool, pear and wood smoke. Light and energetic on the palate with a delicious dollop of creamy fruit. The vineyards of 20 years plus, dry grown on shallow clay soils, are key to the fine body of this wine. Only free run portion of less than 650 litres per ton protect the delicacy, vibrancy and natural fine acidity. This wine is certified organic.Now, more than ever, it’s so important to support local Victorian producers.