Russian Standard Vodka 700ml
Russian Standard Vodka 700ml
Russian Standard Vodka 700ml

Russian Standard Vodka 700ml

(277 reviews)

Russian Standard was founded in St. Petersburg in 1998 by Russian billionaire Roustam Tariko, who is also the founder of Russian Standard Bank. Russian Standard Vodka is a premium 38% ABV Russian vodka that's produced with pure glacial waters from freshwater Lake Ladoga in northwestern Russia and grain from the Russian Steppes grasslands. Russian Standard Vodka is distilled and filtered 4 times and uses the traditional charcoal filtration method. Perfect on ice or mixed into your favourite classic martini.

Russian Standard was founded in St. Petersburg in 1998 by Russian billionaire Roustam Tariko, who is also the founder of Russian Standard Bank. Russian Standard Vodka is a premium 38% ABV Russian vodka that's produced with pure glacial waters from freshwater Lake Ladoga in northwestern Russia and grain from the Russian Steppes grasslands. Russian Standard Vodka is distilled and filtered 4 times and uses the traditional charcoal filtration method. Perfect on ice or mixed into your favourite classic martini.

$49.90 - $63.80

in 8 offers

Russian Standard Vodka 700ml


(277 reviews)

Russian Standard was founded in St. Petersburg in 1998 by Russian billionaire Roustam Tariko, who is also the founder of Russian Standard Bank. Russian Standard Vodka is a premium 38% ABV Russian vodka that's produced with pure glacial waters from freshwater Lake Ladoga in northwestern Russia and grain from the Russian Steppes grasslands. Russian Standard Vodka is distilled and filtered 4 times and uses the traditional charcoal filtration method. Perfect on ice or mixed into your favourite classic martini.

Russian Standard was founded in St. Petersburg in 1998 by Russian billionaire Roustam Tariko, who is also the founder of Russian Standard Bank. Russian Standard Vodka is a premium 38% ABV Russian vodka that's produced with pure glacial waters from freshwater Lake Ladoga in northwestern Russia and grain from the Russian Steppes grasslands. Russian Standard Vodka is distilled and filtered 4 times and uses the traditional charcoal filtration method. Perfect on ice or mixed into your favourite classic martini.