Explore the Outdoors Choose any trail, run or hike, Salomon Speedcross 3 has got you covered. It comes with ultimate cushioning and lightweight material for comfort on every terrain. Protective mudguards make sure you don't worry about the shoes getting damaged. The highlight of the sneaker is its monster grip and Sensifit construction for a better sneaker experience. Trek mountains or walk on the streets, the silhouette is just as stylish and comfortable. Get ready for adventure.
Explore the Outdoors Choose any trail, run or hike, Salomon Speedcross 3 has got you covered. It comes with ultimate cushioning and lightweight material for comfort on every terrain. Protective mudguards make sure you don't worry about the shoes getting damaged. The highlight of the sneaker is its monster grip and Sensifit construction for a better sneaker experience. Trek mountains or walk on the streets, the silhouette is just as stylish and comfortable. Get ready for adventure.
in 1 offers
Explore the Outdoors Choose any trail, run or hike, Salomon Speedcross 3 has got you covered. It comes with ultimate cushioning and lightweight material for comfort on every terrain. Protective mudguards make sure you don't worry about the shoes getting damaged. The highlight of the sneaker is its monster grip and Sensifit construction for a better sneaker experience. Trek mountains or walk on the streets, the silhouette is just as stylish and comfortable. Get ready for adventure.
Explore the Outdoors Choose any trail, run or hike, Salomon Speedcross 3 has got you covered. It comes with ultimate cushioning and lightweight material for comfort on every terrain. Protective mudguards make sure you don't worry about the shoes getting damaged. The highlight of the sneaker is its monster grip and Sensifit construction for a better sneaker experience. Trek mountains or walk on the streets, the silhouette is just as stylish and comfortable. Get ready for adventure.
Last updated at 08/03/2025 12:56:56
See 2 more history offers
Season | FALL - WINTER |
Motive | Monogram |
Heel | 4 cm |
See 2 more history offers
Season | FALL - WINTER |
Motive | Monogram |
Heel | 4 cm |