Sonic Forces is an upcoming platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. Sonic Forces follows Sonic the Hedgehog as he joins a resistance force against Dr. Eggman, who has taken over the world with the help of his army, henchmen and a mysterious new villain known as Infinite. The game will mark the return of the collaboration between both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, along with their associated gameplay styles. In addition, Sonic Forces also introduces a third gameplay mode featuring the "Avatar", the player's own created character. Sonic Forces is an upcoming platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. Sonic Forces follows Sonic the Hedgehog as he joins a resistance force against Dr. Eggman, who has taken over the world with the help of his army, henchmen and a mysterious new villain known as Infinite. The game will mark the return of the collaboration between both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, along with their associated gameplay styles. In addition, Sonic Forces also introduces a third gameplay mode featuring the "Avatar", the player's own created character.
Sonic Forces is an upcoming platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. Sonic Forces follows Sonic the Hedgehog as he joins a resistance force against Dr. Eggman, who has taken over the world with the help of his army, henchmen and a mysterious new villain known as Infinite. The game will mark the return of the collaboration between both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, along with their associated gameplay styles. In addition, Sonic Forces also introduces a third gameplay mode featuring the "Avatar", the player's own created character. Sonic Forces is an upcoming platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. Sonic Forces follows Sonic the Hedgehog as he joins a resistance force against Dr. Eggman, who has taken over the world with the help of his army, henchmen and a mysterious new villain known as Infinite. The game will mark the return of the collaboration between both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, along with their associated gameplay styles. In addition, Sonic Forces also introduces a third gameplay mode featuring the "Avatar", the player's own created character.
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Sonic Forces is an upcoming platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. Sonic Forces follows Sonic the Hedgehog as he joins a resistance force against Dr. Eggman, who has taken over the world with the help of his army, henchmen and a mysterious new villain known as Infinite. The game will mark the return of the collaboration between both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, along with their associated gameplay styles. In addition, Sonic Forces also introduces a third gameplay mode featuring the "Avatar", the player's own created character. Sonic Forces is an upcoming platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. Sonic Forces follows Sonic the Hedgehog as he joins a resistance force against Dr. Eggman, who has taken over the world with the help of his army, henchmen and a mysterious new villain known as Infinite. The game will mark the return of the collaboration between both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, along with their associated gameplay styles. In addition, Sonic Forces also introduces a third gameplay mode featuring the "Avatar", the player's own created character.
Sonic Forces is an upcoming platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. Sonic Forces follows Sonic the Hedgehog as he joins a resistance force against Dr. Eggman, who has taken over the world with the help of his army, henchmen and a mysterious new villain known as Infinite. The game will mark the return of the collaboration between both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, along with their associated gameplay styles. In addition, Sonic Forces also introduces a third gameplay mode featuring the "Avatar", the player's own created character. Sonic Forces is an upcoming platform video game in the Sonic the Hedgehog series developed by Sonic Team and published by Sega. Sonic Forces follows Sonic the Hedgehog as he joins a resistance force against Dr. Eggman, who has taken over the world with the help of his army, henchmen and a mysterious new villain known as Infinite. The game will mark the return of the collaboration between both Classic Sonic and Modern Sonic, along with their associated gameplay styles. In addition, Sonic Forces also introduces a third gameplay mode featuring the "Avatar", the player's own created character.
Last updated at 22/12/2024 00:02:29
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Release Date | 7th November 2017 |
Developer | Sonic Team |
Platform | PlayStation 4 |
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Release Date | 7th November 2017 |
Developer | Sonic Team |
Platform | PlayStation 4 |