The Tatami Fightwear introduces the Katakana Grappling Spats, part of the unique Katakana No-Gi collection. As the name suggests, the Katakana spats' design draws upon Tatami's influences from the East. These spats feature the Katakana logos on either side of the legs. Made from a high quality polyester/spandex blend, they can be pulled and stretched which makes them ideal for grappling. A classic Tatami printed jacquard waistband maximizes the efficiency of the fit and makes for an all-around great choice.
The Tatami Fightwear introduces the Katakana Grappling Spats, part of the unique Katakana No-Gi collection. As the name suggests, the Katakana spats' design draws upon Tatami's influences from the East. These spats feature the Katakana logos on either side of the legs. Made from a high quality polyester/spandex blend, they can be pulled and stretched which makes them ideal for grappling. A classic Tatami printed jacquard waistband maximizes the efficiency of the fit and makes for an all-around great choice.
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The Tatami Fightwear introduces the Katakana Grappling Spats, part of the unique Katakana No-Gi collection. As the name suggests, the Katakana spats' design draws upon Tatami's influences from the East. These spats feature the Katakana logos on either side of the legs. Made from a high quality polyester/spandex blend, they can be pulled and stretched which makes them ideal for grappling. A classic Tatami printed jacquard waistband maximizes the efficiency of the fit and makes for an all-around great choice.
The Tatami Fightwear introduces the Katakana Grappling Spats, part of the unique Katakana No-Gi collection. As the name suggests, the Katakana spats' design draws upon Tatami's influences from the East. These spats feature the Katakana logos on either side of the legs. Made from a high quality polyester/spandex blend, they can be pulled and stretched which makes them ideal for grappling. A classic Tatami printed jacquard waistband maximizes the efficiency of the fit and makes for an all-around great choice.
Last updated at 14/01/2025 21:56:59
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