This new, mixed-voice adaptation of Kenneth Grahame's classic children's tale introduces the friends Mole, Ratty, Badger, and Mr. Toad. It starts when Mole takes a break from his spring-cleaning and meets up with the adventurous rodent. In the Wild Wood, Ratty and Mole meet the reclusive Badger, and the friends, together with the irrepressible Mr. Toad, have many exciting adventures and mishaps. The Wind in the Willows is a timeless classic, loved by children and adults alike.
This new, mixed-voice adaptation of Kenneth Grahame's classic children's tale introduces the friends Mole, Ratty, Badger, and Mr. Toad. It starts when Mole takes a break from his spring-cleaning and meets up with the adventurous rodent. In the Wild Wood, Ratty and Mole meet the reclusive Badger, and the friends, together with the irrepressible Mr. Toad, have many exciting adventures and mishaps. The Wind in the Willows is a timeless classic, loved by children and adults alike.
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This new, mixed-voice adaptation of Kenneth Grahame's classic children's tale introduces the friends Mole, Ratty, Badger, and Mr. Toad. It starts when Mole takes a break from his spring-cleaning and meets up with the adventurous rodent. In the Wild Wood, Ratty and Mole meet the reclusive Badger, and the friends, together with the irrepressible Mr. Toad, have many exciting adventures and mishaps. The Wind in the Willows is a timeless classic, loved by children and adults alike.
This new, mixed-voice adaptation of Kenneth Grahame's classic children's tale introduces the friends Mole, Ratty, Badger, and Mr. Toad. It starts when Mole takes a break from his spring-cleaning and meets up with the adventurous rodent. In the Wild Wood, Ratty and Mole meet the reclusive Badger, and the friends, together with the irrepressible Mr. Toad, have many exciting adventures and mishaps. The Wind in the Willows is a timeless classic, loved by children and adults alike.
Last updated at 26/12/2024 05:41:03
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