The Timberland Mens Sprint Trekker Mid is a comfortable hiking boot designed for outdoor activities such as hiking and trails. Single use plastic waste such as water bottles are gathered and shredded to make durable fabric which is then used to make high quality Timberland footwear. An Ortholite footbed combines an EVA heel cup with Ortholite foam to provide a cool and cushioned environment underfoot. Environmentally friendly due to the recycled tire content, it will also not break down or become less effective over extended use. EVA is a durable foam which can be used in footwear to provide support and protection. The lightweight nature of this material produces a high-quality product without the weight and bulk of traditional materials. It is shock absorbent and flexible for all day comfort.
The Timberland Mens Sprint Trekker Mid is a comfortable hiking boot designed for outdoor activities such as hiking and trails. Single use plastic waste such as water bottles are gathered and shredded to make durable fabric which is then used to make high quality Timberland footwear. An Ortholite footbed combines an EVA heel cup with Ortholite foam to provide a cool and cushioned environment underfoot. Environmentally friendly due to the recycled tire content, it will also not break down or become less effective over extended use. EVA is a durable foam which can be used in footwear to provide support and protection. The lightweight nature of this material produces a high-quality product without the weight and bulk of traditional materials. It is shock absorbent and flexible for all day comfort.
in 6 offers
The Timberland Mens Sprint Trekker Mid is a comfortable hiking boot designed for outdoor activities such as hiking and trails. Single use plastic waste such as water bottles are gathered and shredded to make durable fabric which is then used to make high quality Timberland footwear. An Ortholite footbed combines an EVA heel cup with Ortholite foam to provide a cool and cushioned environment underfoot. Environmentally friendly due to the recycled tire content, it will also not break down or become less effective over extended use. EVA is a durable foam which can be used in footwear to provide support and protection. The lightweight nature of this material produces a high-quality product without the weight and bulk of traditional materials. It is shock absorbent and flexible for all day comfort.
The Timberland Mens Sprint Trekker Mid is a comfortable hiking boot designed for outdoor activities such as hiking and trails. Single use plastic waste such as water bottles are gathered and shredded to make durable fabric which is then used to make high quality Timberland footwear. An Ortholite footbed combines an EVA heel cup with Ortholite foam to provide a cool and cushioned environment underfoot. Environmentally friendly due to the recycled tire content, it will also not break down or become less effective over extended use. EVA is a durable foam which can be used in footwear to provide support and protection. The lightweight nature of this material produces a high-quality product without the weight and bulk of traditional materials. It is shock absorbent and flexible for all day comfort.
Last updated at 09/03/2025 11:39:53
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Material - Upper | Leather |
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Material - Upper | Leather |