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ToolPRO Steering Wheel Puller @ SCA Club
ToolPRO Steering Wheel Puller @ SCA Club
ToolPRO Steering Wheel Puller @ SCA Club
ToolPRO Steering Wheel Puller @ SCA Club
ToolPRO Steering Wheel Puller @ SCA Club

ToolPRO Steering Wheel Puller @ SCA Club

(28 reviews)

Have you tried removing your steering wheel but you're on the edge of bending it cause it won't budge? The ToolPRO Steering Wheel Puller is designed to safely and quickly remove steering wheels with minimum effort. To use, pop off your centre horn pad, loosen the centre nuts and find the two threaded holes in the wheel designed for this puller. Position the yoke over the holes and find the correct bolts to fit then wind the lead screw in with a spacer between the end and the centre nut of the steering wheel. Continue winding the lead screw in until the wheel is freed from the shaft. No more yanking and rocking to free your steering wheels from your cars grip necessary.

Have you tried removing your steering wheel but you're on the edge of bending it cause it won't budge? The ToolPRO Steering Wheel Puller is designed to safely and quickly remove steering wheels with minimum effort. To use, pop off your centre horn pad, loosen the centre nuts and find the two threaded holes in the wheel designed for this puller. Position the yoke over the holes and find the correct bolts to fit then wind the lead screw in with a spacer between the end and the centre nut of the steering wheel. Continue winding the lead screw in until the wheel is freed from the shaft. No more yanking and rocking to free your steering wheels from your cars grip necessary.


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ToolPRO Steering Wheel Puller @ SCA Club


(28 reviews)

Have you tried removing your steering wheel but you're on the edge of bending it cause it won't budge? The ToolPRO Steering Wheel Puller is designed to safely and quickly remove steering wheels with minimum effort. To use, pop off your centre horn pad, loosen the centre nuts and find the two threaded holes in the wheel designed for this puller. Position the yoke over the holes and find the correct bolts to fit then wind the lead screw in with a spacer between the end and the centre nut of the steering wheel. Continue winding the lead screw in until the wheel is freed from the shaft. No more yanking and rocking to free your steering wheels from your cars grip necessary.

Have you tried removing your steering wheel but you're on the edge of bending it cause it won't budge? The ToolPRO Steering Wheel Puller is designed to safely and quickly remove steering wheels with minimum effort. To use, pop off your centre horn pad, loosen the centre nuts and find the two threaded holes in the wheel designed for this puller. Position the yoke over the holes and find the correct bolts to fit then wind the lead screw in with a spacer between the end and the centre nut of the steering wheel. Continue winding the lead screw in until the wheel is freed from the shaft. No more yanking and rocking to free your steering wheels from your cars grip necessary.