Excellent hardwearing magnetic surface for general use applications. Use with drywipe pens and any magnetic accessory. Some items require assembly, if you need help this can be advised at the time of order. A service fee for assembly/installation may also apply.
Excellent hardwearing magnetic surface for general use applications. Use with drywipe pens and any magnetic accessory. Some items require assembly, if you need help this can be advised at the time of order. A service fee for assembly/installation may also apply.
Excellent hardwearing magnetic surface for general use applications. Use with drywipe pens and any magnetic accessory. Some items require assembly, if you need help this can be advised at the time of order. A service fee for assembly/installation may also apply.
Excellent hardwearing magnetic surface for general use applications. Use with drywipe pens and any magnetic accessory. Some items require assembly, if you need help this can be advised at the time of order. A service fee for assembly/installation may also apply.