Vodka O 700ml
Vodka O 700ml
Vodka O 700ml

Vodka O 700ml

(28 reviews)

Super smooth Vodka O has won the 2010 booze Masters trophy in London. Being triple distilled, made of whey, pure Australian water, and charcoal filtering creates an exquisite silken clean style. This method produces an exceptional vodka that's terribly pure and free from the majority of impurities. Its impurities protein, sugar, and lactose-free.

Super smooth Vodka O has won the 2010 booze Masters trophy in London. Being triple distilled, made of whey, pure Australian water, and charcoal filtering creates an exquisite silken clean style. This method produces an exceptional vodka that's terribly pure and free from the majority of impurities. Its impurities protein, sugar, and lactose-free.

$42.99 - $95.00

in 23 offers

Vodka O 700ml


(28 reviews)

Super smooth Vodka O has won the 2010 booze Masters trophy in London. Being triple distilled, made of whey, pure Australian water, and charcoal filtering creates an exquisite silken clean style. This method produces an exceptional vodka that's terribly pure and free from the majority of impurities. Its impurities protein, sugar, and lactose-free.

Super smooth Vodka O has won the 2010 booze Masters trophy in London. Being triple distilled, made of whey, pure Australian water, and charcoal filtering creates an exquisite silken clean style. This method produces an exceptional vodka that's terribly pure and free from the majority of impurities. Its impurities protein, sugar, and lactose-free.