Wyborowa Polish Vodka 700ml
Wyborowa Polish Vodka 700ml
Wyborowa Polish Vodka 700ml

Wyborowa Polish Vodka 700ml

(103 reviews)

Wyborowa Polish Vodka 700mL - Wyborowa is one of the first Polish vodkas you should reach for. It is made of rye in the process of double distillation and careful filtering. The water for its use is derived from distillery own source. As a result you get a great Polish vodka where the taste is dry and unobtrusive. Price may vary per state.

Wyborowa Polish Vodka 700mL - Wyborowa is one of the first Polish vodkas you should reach for. It is made of rye in the process of double distillation and careful filtering. The water for its use is derived from distillery own source. As a result you get a great Polish vodka where the taste is dry and unobtrusive. Price may vary per state.

$50.43 - $53.00

in 4 offers

Wyborowa Polish Vodka 700ml


(103 reviews)

Wyborowa Polish Vodka 700mL - Wyborowa is one of the first Polish vodkas you should reach for. It is made of rye in the process of double distillation and careful filtering. The water for its use is derived from distillery own source. As a result you get a great Polish vodka where the taste is dry and unobtrusive. Price may vary per state.

Wyborowa Polish Vodka 700mL - Wyborowa is one of the first Polish vodkas you should reach for. It is made of rye in the process of double distillation and careful filtering. The water for its use is derived from distillery own source. As a result you get a great Polish vodka where the taste is dry and unobtrusive. Price may vary per state.