My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, an average middle school student in a world where people with superpowers known as "Quirks" are the norm. Deku dreams of one day having a Quirk, so that he too can call himself a hero, especially since he is always bullied at school. However, Deku’s luck changes after he is the only person to try and save his childhood bully from a villain. As a result, the World’s Greatest Hero, All Might, bestows upon him his own quirk, “One For All”. Deku then enters U.A. High School, a school that develops the next generation of Heroes. This Pop! features the evil Kurogiri, the Nomu created by Doctor Kyudai Garaki from the corpse of Oboro Shirakumo, to serve and protect Tomura Shigaraki under All For One's command. Kurogiri comes with a stunning Glow in the Dark finish.
My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, an average middle school student in a world where people with superpowers known as "Quirks" are the norm. Deku dreams of one day having a Quirk, so that he too can call himself a hero, especially since he is always bullied at school. However, Deku’s luck changes after he is the only person to try and save his childhood bully from a villain. As a result, the World’s Greatest Hero, All Might, bestows upon him his own quirk, “One For All”. Deku then enters U.A. High School, a school that develops the next generation of Heroes. This Pop! features the evil Kurogiri, the Nomu created by Doctor Kyudai Garaki from the corpse of Oboro Shirakumo, to serve and protect Tomura Shigaraki under All For One's command. Kurogiri comes with a stunning Glow in the Dark finish.
in 17 offers
My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, an average middle school student in a world where people with superpowers known as "Quirks" are the norm. Deku dreams of one day having a Quirk, so that he too can call himself a hero, especially since he is always bullied at school. However, Deku’s luck changes after he is the only person to try and save his childhood bully from a villain. As a result, the World’s Greatest Hero, All Might, bestows upon him his own quirk, “One For All”. Deku then enters U.A. High School, a school that develops the next generation of Heroes. This Pop! features the evil Kurogiri, the Nomu created by Doctor Kyudai Garaki from the corpse of Oboro Shirakumo, to serve and protect Tomura Shigaraki under All For One's command. Kurogiri comes with a stunning Glow in the Dark finish.
My Hero Academia follows the story of Izuku Midoriya, also known as Deku, an average middle school student in a world where people with superpowers known as "Quirks" are the norm. Deku dreams of one day having a Quirk, so that he too can call himself a hero, especially since he is always bullied at school. However, Deku’s luck changes after he is the only person to try and save his childhood bully from a villain. As a result, the World’s Greatest Hero, All Might, bestows upon him his own quirk, “One For All”. Deku then enters U.A. High School, a school that develops the next generation of Heroes. This Pop! features the evil Kurogiri, the Nomu created by Doctor Kyudai Garaki from the corpse of Oboro Shirakumo, to serve and protect Tomura Shigaraki under All For One's command. Kurogiri comes with a stunning Glow in the Dark finish.
Last updated at 14/01/2025 23:50:21
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originally posted on
originally posted on Target
originally posted on Target
Number of pieces | 1 |
Assembly Required | No |
Material Type(s) | Vinyl |
Cartoon character | Birthday Boy |
Manufacturer Minimum Age (MONTHS) | 36.0 |
See 21 more history offers
Number of pieces | 1 |
Assembly Required | No |
Material Type(s) | Vinyl |
Cartoon character | Birthday Boy |
Manufacturer Minimum Age (MONTHS) | 36.0 |