Mowgli, the beloved human child who grows up in the jungle, learns to relate to the world through his bonds with animals and with his adopted wolf family. Once he encounters other humans, Mowgli can't believe he is one of them. Driven by greed, the humans he meets invade the jungle, threatening destruction of the only place he calls home.
Mowgli, the beloved human child who grows up in the jungle, learns to relate to the world through his bonds with animals and with his adopted wolf family. Once he encounters other humans, Mowgli can't believe he is one of them. Driven by greed, the humans he meets invade the jungle, threatening destruction of the only place he calls home.
Mowgli, the beloved human child who grows up in the jungle, learns to relate to the world through his bonds with animals and with his adopted wolf family. Once he encounters other humans, Mowgli can't believe he is one of them. Driven by greed, the humans he meets invade the jungle, threatening destruction of the only place he calls home.
Mowgli, the beloved human child who grows up in the jungle, learns to relate to the world through his bonds with animals and with his adopted wolf family. Once he encounters other humans, Mowgli can't believe he is one of them. Driven by greed, the humans he meets invade the jungle, threatening destruction of the only place he calls home.
Published | 11 July 2010 |
Writer | Rudyard Kipling |
Age Range | 0+ |
Dimensions | 25.4 x 20.3 x 0.7 centimetres (0.26 kg) |
Published | 11 July 2010 |
Writer | Rudyard Kipling |
Age Range | 0+ |
Dimensions | 25.4 x 20.3 x 0.7 centimetres (0.26 kg) |