Pyzel - Red Tiger Pu FCS 2 / 6'0 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 - 31.3L
Pyzel - Red Tiger Pu FCS 2 / 6'0 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 - 31.3L
Pyzel - Red Tiger Pu FCS 2 / 6'0 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 - 31.3L
Pyzel - Red Tiger Pu FCS 2 / 6'0 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 - 31.3L
Pyzel - Red Tiger Pu FCS 2 / 6'0 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 - 31.3L

Pyzel - Red Tiger Pu FCS 2 / 6'0 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 - 31.3L

It is the ultimate performance machine for medium sized, slower, weaker waves, based on John’s simple guidance - ”make it Fast and Fun”. The idea for this board was hatched when John began riding some different “fun” boards during some breaks from competing. By far his favorite in the last year has been our new flat rockered, Funformance board, the White Tiger (5’6’’), and he asked me to turn that design into something he could take back on tour to ride when the surf was less than pumping, or on the weaker side... Ride your Red Tiger around an inch shorter than “normal” HPSB, and a bit wider. Volume should be close, but go up a ½ to1 liter for added zing in weaker waves."-Jon Pyzel

It is the ultimate performance machine for medium sized, slower, weaker waves, based on John’s simple guidance - ”make it Fast and Fun”. The idea for this board was hatched when John began riding some different “fun” boards during some breaks from competing. By far his favorite in the last year has been our new flat rockered, Funformance board, the White Tiger (5’6’’), and he asked me to turn that design into something he could take back on tour to ride when the surf was less than pumping, or on the weaker side... Ride your Red Tiger around an inch shorter than “normal” HPSB, and a bit wider. Volume should be close, but go up a ½ to1 liter for added zing in weaker waves."-Jon Pyzel


4' 6" 17 7/16" 1 7/8" 16.3L
4' 8" 17 1/2" 1 15/16" 17.6L
5' 0" 17 1/2" 2 " 18.6L
5' 2" 17 3/8" 2 1/16" 19.4L
5' 3" 17 7/8" 2 1/8" 21.3L
5' 3" 19 3/8" 2 5/16" 26.5L
5' 4" 18 " 2 3/16" 22.4L
5' 4" 19 " 2 3/8" 26.1L
5' 5" 18 1/2" 2 1/8" 23.3L
5' 5" 18 1/4" 2 1/16" 22.9L
5' 5" 19 5/8" 2 3/8" 28.2L
5' 6" 18 1/2" 2 3/16" 24.1L
5' 6" 18 3/8" 2 3/16" 22.6L
5' 6" 19 1/2" 2 1/2" 30.1L
5' 6" 19 3/4" 2 7/16" 29.7L
5' 7" 18 5/8" 2 1/4" 25.4L
5' 7" 18 5/8" 2 1/8" 25L
5' 7" 18 7/8" 2 3/16" 25.1L
5' 7" 19 3/4" 2 9/16" 31.7L
5' 7" 19 7/8" 2 7/16" 30.2L
5' 8" 18 1/2" 2 3/16" 23.2L
5' 8" 18 5/8" 2 5/16" 24.9L
5' 8" 18 7/8" 2 3/8" 26.6L
5' 8" 20 " 2 1/2" 31.6L
5' 8" 20 " 2 9/16" 32.5L
5' 9" 18 7/8" 2 5/16" 25.6L
5' 9" 19 " 2 3/16" 27.1L
5' 9" 19 " 2 5/16" 27.3L
5' 9" 19 1/8" 2 5/16" 27.5L
5' 9" 19 3/8" 2 1/2" 30L
5' 10" 18 3/4" 2 5/16" 25.6L
5' 11" 19 3/8" 2 5/8" 30.2L
5' 11" 19 3/8" 2 9/16" 30.6L
5' 11" 20 3/8" 2 11/16" 36.3L
5'5" X 18 3/8" X 2 1/8" - 23.1L
5'8" X 18 1/2" X 2 1/4" 24.9L Fcsii
5'8" X 18 1/2" X 2 1/4" 24.9L Futures
5'8" X 18 3/4" X 2 5/16" 24.5L Fcsii
5'8" X 18 3/4" X 2 5/16" 24.5L Futures
5'9" X 18 5/8" X 2 1/4" 25.4L Fcsii
5'9" X 18 5/8" X 2 1/4" 25.4L Futures
5'9" X 18 7/8" X 2 3/8" 25.8L Fcsii
5'9" X 18 7/8" X 2 3/8" 25.8L Futures
5'10" X 18 3/4" X 2 5/16" 27L Fcsii
5'10" X 18 3/4" X 2 5/16" 27L Futures
5'10" X 19 3/4" X 2 5/8" 32.2L Fcsii
5'10" X 19 3/4" X 2 5/8" 32.2L Futures
5'10" X 19" X 2 7/16" 27L Fcsii
5'10" X 19" X 2 7/16" 27L Futures
5'11" X 18 7/8" X 2 3/8" 28L Fcsii
5'11" X 18 7/8" X 2 3/8" 28L Futures
5'11" X 19 1/8" X 2 1/2" - 28.3L
5'11" X 19 1/8" X 2 1/2" 28.3L Fcsii
5'11" X 19 1/8" X 2 1/2" 28.3L Futures
5ft 9in
5ft 11in
6' 0" 19 " 2 7/16" 28.3L
6' 0" 19 1/4" 2 1/2" 29.5L
6' 1" 19 1/4" 2 1/2" 29.8L
6' 1" 19 3/4" 2 9/16" 33.1L
6' 1" 19 5/8" 2 9/16" 32.7L
6' 2" 19 3/8" 2 9/16" 31.1L
6' 2" 20 " 2 1/2" 34.7L
6' 2" 20 " 2 5/8" 34.9L
6' 2"20 3/4"2 7/8"41.1l
6' 3" 19 5/8" 2 5/8" 32.8L
6' 3" 19 7/8" 2 3/4" 36.2L
6' 3" 20 3/4" 2 13/16" 39L
6' 3" 20 3/8" 2 5/8" 37.6L
6' 4" 19 3/4" 2 3/4" 35.3L
6' 4" 20 " 2 3/4" 36.9L
6' 4" 20 1/2" 2 3/4" 38.3L
6' 4" 20 1/2" 2 5/8" 38.4L
6' 4" 20 1/2" 3 " 40.3L
6' 4" 21 " 2 7/8" 41L
6' 6" 20 " 2 3/4" 36.4L
6' 6" 20 1/8" 2 13/16" 36.9L
6' 6" 20 3/4" 3 1/16" 42.4L
6' 6" 20 7/8" 2 7/8" 41.9L
6' 6" 21 3/4" 3 " 47.9L
6' 8" 20 1/2" 3 " 41.8L
6' 8" 21 1/2" 2 7/8" 47.L
6' 8" 21 1/2" 3 1/4" 49.6L
6' 10" 21 1/8" 3 3/16" 47L
6'0" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" - 29.7L
6'0" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" 29.7L Fcsii
6'0" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" 29.7L Futures
6'0" X 19" X 2 7/16" 29.5L Fcsii
6'0" X 19" X 2 7/16" 29.5L Futures
6'0" X 20 1/4" X 2 11/16" 34.7L Fcsii
6'0" X 20 1/4" X 2 11/16" 34.7L Futures
6'1 x 19 5/8 x 2 9/16 - 32.7L
6'1" X 19 1/4" X 2 1/2" 30.9L Fcsii
6'1" X 19 1/4" X 2 1/2" 30.9L Futures
6'1" X 19 5/8" X 2 5/8" 31.4L Fcsii
6'1" X 19 5/8" X 2 5/8" 31.4L Futures
6'2" X 19 3/4" X 2 11/16" 32.8L Fcsii
6'2" X 19 3/4" X 2 11/16" 32.8L Futures
6'2" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" 32.3L Fcsii
6'2" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" 32.3L Futures
6'2" X 20 5/8" X 2 3/4" 37.2L Fcsii
6'2" X 20 5/8" X 2 3/4" 37.2L Futures
6'3" X 19 1/2" X 2 5/8" 33.8L Fcsii
6'3" X 19 1/2" X 2 5/8" 33.8L Futures
6'3" X 20" X 2 3/4" 34.5L Fcsii
6'3" X 20" X 2 3/4" 34.5L Futures
6'4" X 19 3/4" X 2 11/16" 35.5L Fcsii
6'4" X 19 3/4" X 2 11/16" 35.5L Futures
6'4" X 20 1/4" X 2 7/8" - 37.1L
6'4" X 20 1/4" X 2 7/8" 37.1L Fcsii
6'4" X 20 1/4" X 2 7/8" 37.1L Futures
6'4" X 21" X 2 7/8" 40.5L Fcsii
6'4" X 21" X 2 7/8" 40.5L Futures
6'5" X 20 3/8" X 3" 39.4L Fcsii
6'5" X 20 3/8" X 3" 39.4L Futures
6'6" X 19 7/8" X 2 3/4" 37.5L Fcsii
6'6" X 19 7/8" X 2 3/4" 37.5L Futures
6'6" X 20 1/2" X 3" 40.2L Fcsii
6'6" X 20 1/2" X 3" 40.2L Futures
6'6" X 21 1/2" X 3" 44.3L Fcsii
6'6" X 21 1/2" X 3" 44.3L Futures
6'8" X 20 3/4" X 3 1/16" 42.6L Fcsii
6'8" X 20 3/4" X 3 1/16" 42.6L Futures
6'8" X 21 1/2" X 3" 45.6L Fcsii
6'8" X 21 1/2" X 3" 45.6L Futures
6'10" X 20 7/8" X 3 1/8" 45L Fcsii
6'10" X 20 7/8" X 3 1/8" 45L Futures
6'10" X 21 3/4" X 3 1/16" 48.3L Fcsii
6'10" X 21 3/4" X 3 1/16" 48.3L Futures
7' 0" 21 3/8" 3 1/4" 48.9L
7'0" X 21 7/8" X 3 1/8" 50.9L Fcsii
7'0" X 21 7/8" X 3 1/8" 50.9L Futures
7'0" X 21" X 3 3/16" 47.3L Fcsii
7'0" X 21" X 3 3/16" 47.3L Futures
7'2" X 22" X 3 1/4" 53.4L Fcsii
7'2" X 22" X 3 1/4" 53.4L Futures

Pyzel - Red Tiger Pu FCS 2 / 6'0 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 - 31.3L

It is the ultimate performance machine for medium sized, slower, weaker waves, based on John’s simple guidance - ”make it Fast and Fun”. The idea for this board was hatched when John began riding some different “fun” boards during some breaks from competing. By far his favorite in the last year has been our new flat rockered, Funformance board, the White Tiger (5’6’’), and he asked me to turn that design into something he could take back on tour to ride when the surf was less than pumping, or on the weaker side... Ride your Red Tiger around an inch shorter than “normal” HPSB, and a bit wider. Volume should be close, but go up a ½ to1 liter for added zing in weaker waves."-Jon Pyzel

It is the ultimate performance machine for medium sized, slower, weaker waves, based on John’s simple guidance - ”make it Fast and Fun”. The idea for this board was hatched when John began riding some different “fun” boards during some breaks from competing. By far his favorite in the last year has been our new flat rockered, Funformance board, the White Tiger (5’6’’), and he asked me to turn that design into something he could take back on tour to ride when the surf was less than pumping, or on the weaker side... Ride your Red Tiger around an inch shorter than “normal” HPSB, and a bit wider. Volume should be close, but go up a ½ to1 liter for added zing in weaker waves."-Jon Pyzel

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