Red Tiger FCS II / 5' 9" 19 1/8" 2 5/16" 27.5L
Red Tiger FCS II / 5' 9" 19 1/8" 2 5/16" 27.5L
Red Tiger FCS II / 5' 9" 19 1/8" 2 5/16" 27.5L
Red Tiger FCS II / 5' 9" 19 1/8" 2 5/16" 27.5L
Red Tiger FCS II / 5' 9" 19 1/8" 2 5/16" 27.5L

Red Tiger FCS II / 5' 9" 19 1/8" 2 5/16" 27.5L

It is the ultimate performance machine for medium sized, slower, weaker waves, based on John’s simple guidance - ”make it Fast and Fun”. The idea for this board was hatched when John began riding some different “fun” boards during some breaks from competing. By far his favorite in the last year has been our new flat rockered, Funformance board, the White Tiger (5’6’’), and he asked me to turn that design into something he could take back on tour to ride when the surf was less than pumping, or on the weaker side. The outline is a touch on the plump side for a HPSB, but the wide point sits a more traditional inch behind center, keeping the emphasis to surfing it off the mid to back half of the board. The wider tail-block squash helps to keep area in the tail which provides lift and drive, and also helps create “pop” when going to the air. A moderate hip by the front fins puts a break in the outline to help create a pivot point that allows for tighter radius turns and release in the lip. The rocker and bottom contour is really what sets this board from other boards in this category. It’s our flattest HPSB so far and that rocker translates to easy, consistent speed from the moment you stand up, through flat sections and even in super weak, small waves. This bottom keeps the flatter board easy to roll rail-to-rail and the vee of the tail works to allow easy vertical surfing and short-arc carves, even in tight, pockety waves. The thickness flow (foil) from nose to tail is balanced and clean, with the front of the board just barely thinner than the back half. The deck is flat-ish, keeping more foam (volume) out towards the rails. The actual rails are full just in from the outline (under the ball of your hand if you are holding the board under your arm), but are tapered to keep sensitivity and bite. Ride your Red Tiger around an inch shorter than “normal” HPSB, and a bit wider. Volume should be close, but go up a ½ to1 liter for added zing in weaker waves.

It is the ultimate performance machine for medium sized, slower, weaker waves, based on John’s simple guidance - ”make it Fast and Fun”. The idea for this board was hatched when John began riding some different “fun” boards during some breaks from competing. By far his favorite in the last year has been our new flat rockered, Funformance board, the White Tiger (5’6’’), and he asked me to turn that design into something he could take back on tour to ride when the surf was less than pumping, or on the weaker side. The outline is a touch on the plump side for a HPSB, but the wide point sits a more traditional inch behind center, keeping the emphasis to surfing it off the mid to back half of the board. The wider tail-block squash helps to keep area in the tail which provides lift and drive, and also helps create “pop” when going to the air. A moderate hip by the front fins puts a break in the outline to help create a pivot point that allows for tighter radius turns and release in the lip. The rocker and bottom contour is really what sets this board from other boards in this category. It’s our flattest HPSB so far and that rocker translates to easy, consistent speed from the moment you stand up, through flat sections and even in super weak, small waves. This bottom keeps the flatter board easy to roll rail-to-rail and the vee of the tail works to allow easy vertical surfing and short-arc carves, even in tight, pockety waves. The thickness flow (foil) from nose to tail is balanced and clean, with the front of the board just barely thinner than the back half. The deck is flat-ish, keeping more foam (volume) out towards the rails. The actual rails are full just in from the outline (under the ball of your hand if you are holding the board under your arm), but are tapered to keep sensitivity and bite. Ride your Red Tiger around an inch shorter than “normal” HPSB, and a bit wider. Volume should be close, but go up a ½ to1 liter for added zing in weaker waves.


4' 6" 17 7/16" 1 7/8" 16.3L
4' 8" 17 1/2" 1 15/16" 17.6L
5' 0" 17 1/2" 2 " 18.6L
5' 2" 17 3/8" 2 1/16" 19.4L
5' 3" 17 7/8" 2 1/8" 21.3L
5' 3" 19 3/8" 2 5/16" 26.5L
5' 4" 18 " 2 3/16" 22.4L
5' 4" 19 " 2 3/8" 26.1L
5' 5" 18 1/2" 2 1/8" 23.3L
5' 5" 18 1/4" 2 1/16" 22.9L
5' 5" 19 5/8" 2 3/8" 28.2L
5' 6" 18 1/2" 2 3/16" 24.1L
5' 6" 18 3/8" 2 3/16" 22.6L
5' 6" 19 1/2" 2 1/2" 30.1L
5' 6" 19 3/4" 2 7/16" 29.7L
5' 7" 18 5/8" 2 1/4" 25.4L
5' 7" 18 5/8" 2 1/8" 25L
5' 7" 18 7/8" 2 3/16" 25.1L
5' 7" 19 3/4" 2 9/16" 31.7L
5' 7" 19 7/8" 2 7/16" 30.2L
5' 8" 18 1/2" 2 3/16" 23.2L
5' 8" 18 5/8" 2 5/16" 24.9L
5' 8" 18 7/8" 2 3/8" 26.6L
5' 8" 20 " 2 1/2" 31.6L
5' 8" 20 " 2 9/16" 32.5L
5' 9" 18 7/8" 2 5/16" 25.6L
5' 9" 19 " 2 3/16" 27.1L
5' 9" 19 " 2 5/16" 27.3L
5' 9" 19 3/8" 2 1/2" 30L
5' 10" 18 3/4" 2 5/16" 25.6L
5' 11" 19 3/8" 2 5/8" 30.2L
5' 11" 19 3/8" 2 9/16" 30.6L
5' 11" 20 3/8" 2 11/16" 36.3L
5'5" X 18 3/8" X 2 1/8" - 23.1L
5'8" X 18 1/2" X 2 1/4" 24.9L Fcsii
5'8" X 18 1/2" X 2 1/4" 24.9L Futures
5'8" X 18 3/4" X 2 5/16" 24.5L Fcsii
5'8" X 18 3/4" X 2 5/16" 24.5L Futures
5'9" X 18 5/8" X 2 1/4" 25.4L Fcsii
5'9" X 18 5/8" X 2 1/4" 25.4L Futures
5'9" X 18 7/8" X 2 3/8" 25.8L Fcsii
5'9" X 18 7/8" X 2 3/8" 25.8L Futures
5'10" X 18 3/4" X 2 5/16" 27L Fcsii
5'10" X 18 3/4" X 2 5/16" 27L Futures
5'10" X 19 3/4" X 2 5/8" 32.2L Fcsii
5'10" X 19 3/4" X 2 5/8" 32.2L Futures
5'10" X 19" X 2 7/16" 27L Fcsii
5'10" X 19" X 2 7/16" 27L Futures
5'11" X 18 7/8" X 2 3/8" 28L Fcsii
5'11" X 18 7/8" X 2 3/8" 28L Futures
5'11" X 19 1/8" X 2 1/2" - 28.3L
5'11" X 19 1/8" X 2 1/2" 28.3L Fcsii
5'11" X 19 1/8" X 2 1/2" 28.3L Futures
5ft 9in
5ft 11in
6' 0" 19 " 2 7/16" 28.3L
6' 0" 19 1/4" 2 1/2" 29.5L
6' 1" 19 1/4" 2 1/2" 29.8L
6' 1" 19 3/4" 2 9/16" 33.1L
6' 1" 19 5/8" 2 9/16" 32.7L
6' 2" 19 3/8" 2 9/16" 31.1L
6' 2" 20 " 2 1/2" 34.7L
6' 2" 20 " 2 5/8" 34.9L
6' 2"20 3/4"2 7/8"41.1l
6' 3" 19 5/8" 2 5/8" 32.8L
6' 3" 19 7/8" 2 3/4" 36.2L
6' 3" 20 3/4" 2 13/16" 39L
6' 3" 20 3/8" 2 5/8" 37.6L
6' 4" 19 3/4" 2 3/4" 35.3L
6' 4" 20 " 2 3/4" 36.9L
6' 4" 20 1/2" 2 3/4" 38.3L
6' 4" 20 1/2" 2 5/8" 38.4L
6' 4" 20 1/2" 3 " 40.3L
6' 4" 21 " 2 7/8" 41L
6' 6" 20 " 2 3/4" 36.4L
6' 6" 20 1/8" 2 13/16" 36.9L
6' 6" 20 3/4" 3 1/16" 42.4L
6' 6" 20 7/8" 2 7/8" 41.9L
6' 6" 21 3/4" 3 " 47.9L
6' 8" 20 1/2" 3 " 41.8L
6' 8" 21 1/2" 2 7/8" 47.L
6' 8" 21 1/2" 3 1/4" 49.6L
6' 10" 21 1/8" 3 3/16" 47L
6'0 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 - 31.3L
6'0" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" - 29.7L
6'0" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" 29.7L Fcsii
6'0" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" 29.7L Futures
6'0" X 19" X 2 7/16" 29.5L Fcsii
6'0" X 19" X 2 7/16" 29.5L Futures
6'0" X 20 1/4" X 2 11/16" 34.7L Fcsii
6'0" X 20 1/4" X 2 11/16" 34.7L Futures
6'1 x 19 5/8 x 2 9/16 - 32.7L
6'1" X 19 1/4" X 2 1/2" 30.9L Fcsii
6'1" X 19 1/4" X 2 1/2" 30.9L Futures
6'1" X 19 5/8" X 2 5/8" 31.4L Fcsii
6'1" X 19 5/8" X 2 5/8" 31.4L Futures
6'2" X 19 3/4" X 2 11/16" 32.8L Fcsii
6'2" X 19 3/4" X 2 11/16" 32.8L Futures
6'2" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" 32.3L Fcsii
6'2" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" 32.3L Futures
6'2" X 20 5/8" X 2 3/4" 37.2L Fcsii
6'2" X 20 5/8" X 2 3/4" 37.2L Futures
6'3" X 19 1/2" X 2 5/8" 33.8L Fcsii
6'3" X 19 1/2" X 2 5/8" 33.8L Futures
6'3" X 20" X 2 3/4" 34.5L Fcsii
6'3" X 20" X 2 3/4" 34.5L Futures
6'4" X 19 3/4" X 2 11/16" 35.5L Fcsii
6'4" X 19 3/4" X 2 11/16" 35.5L Futures
6'4" X 20 1/4" X 2 7/8" - 37.1L
6'4" X 20 1/4" X 2 7/8" 37.1L Fcsii
6'4" X 20 1/4" X 2 7/8" 37.1L Futures
6'4" X 21" X 2 7/8" 40.5L Fcsii
6'4" X 21" X 2 7/8" 40.5L Futures
6'5" X 20 3/8" X 3" 39.4L Fcsii
6'5" X 20 3/8" X 3" 39.4L Futures
6'6" X 19 7/8" X 2 3/4" 37.5L Fcsii
6'6" X 19 7/8" X 2 3/4" 37.5L Futures
6'6" X 20 1/2" X 3" 40.2L Fcsii
6'6" X 20 1/2" X 3" 40.2L Futures
6'6" X 21 1/2" X 3" 44.3L Fcsii
6'6" X 21 1/2" X 3" 44.3L Futures
6'8" X 20 3/4" X 3 1/16" 42.6L Fcsii
6'8" X 20 3/4" X 3 1/16" 42.6L Futures
6'8" X 21 1/2" X 3" 45.6L Fcsii
6'8" X 21 1/2" X 3" 45.6L Futures
6'10" X 20 7/8" X 3 1/8" 45L Fcsii
6'10" X 20 7/8" X 3 1/8" 45L Futures
6'10" X 21 3/4" X 3 1/16" 48.3L Fcsii
6'10" X 21 3/4" X 3 1/16" 48.3L Futures
7' 0" 21 3/8" 3 1/4" 48.9L
7'0" X 21 7/8" X 3 1/8" 50.9L Fcsii
7'0" X 21 7/8" X 3 1/8" 50.9L Futures
7'0" X 21" X 3 3/16" 47.3L Fcsii
7'0" X 21" X 3 3/16" 47.3L Futures
7'2" X 22" X 3 1/4" 53.4L Fcsii
7'2" X 22" X 3 1/4" 53.4L Futures

Red Tiger FCS II / 5' 9" 19 1/8" 2 5/16" 27.5L

It is the ultimate performance machine for medium sized, slower, weaker waves, based on John’s simple guidance - ”make it Fast and Fun”. The idea for this board was hatched when John began riding some different “fun” boards during some breaks from competing. By far his favorite in the last year has been our new flat rockered, Funformance board, the White Tiger (5’6’’), and he asked me to turn that design into something he could take back on tour to ride when the surf was less than pumping, or on the weaker side. The outline is a touch on the plump side for a HPSB, but the wide point sits a more traditional inch behind center, keeping the emphasis to surfing it off the mid to back half of the board. The wider tail-block squash helps to keep area in the tail which provides lift and drive, and also helps create “pop” when going to the air. A moderate hip by the front fins puts a break in the outline to help create a pivot point that allows for tighter radius turns and release in the lip. The rocker and bottom contour is really what sets this board from other boards in this category. It’s our flattest HPSB so far and that rocker translates to easy, consistent speed from the moment you stand up, through flat sections and even in super weak, small waves. This bottom keeps the flatter board easy to roll rail-to-rail and the vee of the tail works to allow easy vertical surfing and short-arc carves, even in tight, pockety waves. The thickness flow (foil) from nose to tail is balanced and clean, with the front of the board just barely thinner than the back half. The deck is flat-ish, keeping more foam (volume) out towards the rails. The actual rails are full just in from the outline (under the ball of your hand if you are holding the board under your arm), but are tapered to keep sensitivity and bite. Ride your Red Tiger around an inch shorter than “normal” HPSB, and a bit wider. Volume should be close, but go up a ½ to1 liter for added zing in weaker waves.

It is the ultimate performance machine for medium sized, slower, weaker waves, based on John’s simple guidance - ”make it Fast and Fun”. The idea for this board was hatched when John began riding some different “fun” boards during some breaks from competing. By far his favorite in the last year has been our new flat rockered, Funformance board, the White Tiger (5’6’’), and he asked me to turn that design into something he could take back on tour to ride when the surf was less than pumping, or on the weaker side. The outline is a touch on the plump side for a HPSB, but the wide point sits a more traditional inch behind center, keeping the emphasis to surfing it off the mid to back half of the board. The wider tail-block squash helps to keep area in the tail which provides lift and drive, and also helps create “pop” when going to the air. A moderate hip by the front fins puts a break in the outline to help create a pivot point that allows for tighter radius turns and release in the lip. The rocker and bottom contour is really what sets this board from other boards in this category. It’s our flattest HPSB so far and that rocker translates to easy, consistent speed from the moment you stand up, through flat sections and even in super weak, small waves. This bottom keeps the flatter board easy to roll rail-to-rail and the vee of the tail works to allow easy vertical surfing and short-arc carves, even in tight, pockety waves. The thickness flow (foil) from nose to tail is balanced and clean, with the front of the board just barely thinner than the back half. The deck is flat-ish, keeping more foam (volume) out towards the rails. The actual rails are full just in from the outline (under the ball of your hand if you are holding the board under your arm), but are tapered to keep sensitivity and bite. Ride your Red Tiger around an inch shorter than “normal” HPSB, and a bit wider. Volume should be close, but go up a ½ to1 liter for added zing in weaker waves.

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