Wildcat Twin FCS II / 5' 4" 19 2 3/8" 26.1L
Wildcat Twin FCS II / 5' 4" 19 2 3/8" 26.1L
Wildcat Twin FCS II / 5' 4" 19 2 3/8" 26.1L
Wildcat Twin FCS II / 5' 4" 19 2 3/8" 26.1L

Wildcat Twin FCS II / 5' 4" 19 2 3/8" 26.1L

Inspired by beautiful twin-fin designs of the past, built with my curves and contours. The bottom curve is clean, and relatively flat, offering great paddle speed and easy acceleration from the moment you get to your feet. A single/double concave runs throughout the bottom, blending into a moderate V and 4 channels running off the tail. All of this is designed to help the board roll from rail to rail, add a little extra bite off the bottom and quickly respond to weight shifts while easily flowing over softer sections of a wave. This helps increase your speed as you push it through turns. The outline is a blend of traditional and modern as well, with the wide point just up from the centre, moderately wide nose and a classic single wing rounded pintail. The wing and the pin work in conjunction with the channels to provide both drive and maneuverability, allowing for snappy, pivoted turns and sweeping carves. The nose is a refined beak (you know I love these), which lets us run a touch more thickness up under the chest area, keeping you more on top of the water while you paddle. The rails have a modern shortboard feel, but with extra foam taken off to aid in sensitivity and bite. For sizing, go an inch or 2 under your Daily Driver type board, and a ½’’ to an inch wider and a touch more volume.

Inspired by beautiful twin-fin designs of the past, built with my curves and contours. The bottom curve is clean, and relatively flat, offering great paddle speed and easy acceleration from the moment you get to your feet. A single/double concave runs throughout the bottom, blending into a moderate V and 4 channels running off the tail. All of this is designed to help the board roll from rail to rail, add a little extra bite off the bottom and quickly respond to weight shifts while easily flowing over softer sections of a wave. This helps increase your speed as you push it through turns. The outline is a blend of traditional and modern as well, with the wide point just up from the centre, moderately wide nose and a classic single wing rounded pintail. The wing and the pin work in conjunction with the channels to provide both drive and maneuverability, allowing for snappy, pivoted turns and sweeping carves. The nose is a refined beak (you know I love these), which lets us run a touch more thickness up under the chest area, keeping you more on top of the water while you paddle. The rails have a modern shortboard feel, but with extra foam taken off to aid in sensitivity and bite. For sizing, go an inch or 2 under your Daily Driver type board, and a ½’’ to an inch wider and a touch more volume.


4' 6" 17 7/16" 1 7/8" 16.3L
4' 8" 17 1/2" 1 15/16" 17.6L
5' 0" 17 1/2" 2 " 18.6L
5' 2" 17 3/8" 2 1/16" 19.4L
5' 3" 17 7/8" 2 1/8" 21.3L
5' 3" 19 3/8" 2 5/16" 26.5L
5' 4" 18 " 2 3/16" 22.4L
5' 5" 18 1/2" 2 1/8" 23.3L
5' 5" 18 1/4" 2 1/16" 22.9L
5' 5" 19 5/8" 2 3/8" 28.2L
5' 6" 18 1/2" 2 3/16" 24.1L
5' 6" 18 3/8" 2 3/16" 22.6L
5' 6" 19 1/2" 2 1/2" 30.1L
5' 6" 19 3/4" 2 7/16" 29.7L
5' 7" 18 5/8" 2 1/4" 25.4L
5' 7" 18 5/8" 2 1/8" 25L
5' 7" 18 7/8" 2 3/16" 25.1L
5' 7" 19 3/4" 2 9/16" 31.7L
5' 7" 19 7/8" 2 7/16" 30.2L
5' 8" 18 1/2" 2 3/16" 23.2L
5' 8" 18 5/8" 2 5/16" 24.9L
5' 8" 18 7/8" 2 3/8" 26.6L
5' 8" 20 " 2 1/2" 31.6L
5' 8" 20 " 2 9/16" 32.5L
5' 9" 18 7/8" 2 5/16" 25.6L
5' 9" 19 " 2 3/16" 27.1L
5' 9" 19 " 2 5/16" 27.3L
5' 9" 19 1/8" 2 5/16" 27.5L
5' 9" 19 3/8" 2 1/2" 30L
5' 10" 18 3/4" 2 5/16" 25.6L
5' 11" 19 3/8" 2 5/8" 30.2L
5' 11" 19 3/8" 2 9/16" 30.6L
5' 11" 20 3/8" 2 11/16" 36.3L
5'5" X 18 3/8" X 2 1/8" - 23.1L
5'8" X 18 1/2" X 2 1/4" 24.9L Fcsii
5'8" X 18 1/2" X 2 1/4" 24.9L Futures
5'8" X 18 3/4" X 2 5/16" 24.5L Fcsii
5'8" X 18 3/4" X 2 5/16" 24.5L Futures
5'9" X 18 5/8" X 2 1/4" 25.4L Fcsii
5'9" X 18 5/8" X 2 1/4" 25.4L Futures
5'9" X 18 7/8" X 2 3/8" 25.8L Fcsii
5'9" X 18 7/8" X 2 3/8" 25.8L Futures
5'10" X 18 3/4" X 2 5/16" 27L Fcsii
5'10" X 18 3/4" X 2 5/16" 27L Futures
5'10" X 19 3/4" X 2 5/8" 32.2L Fcsii
5'10" X 19 3/4" X 2 5/8" 32.2L Futures
5'10" X 19" X 2 7/16" 27L Fcsii
5'10" X 19" X 2 7/16" 27L Futures
5'11" X 18 7/8" X 2 3/8" 28L Fcsii
5'11" X 18 7/8" X 2 3/8" 28L Futures
5'11" X 19 1/8" X 2 1/2" - 28.3L
5'11" X 19 1/8" X 2 1/2" 28.3L Fcsii
5'11" X 19 1/8" X 2 1/2" 28.3L Futures
5ft 9in
5ft 11in
6' 0" 19 " 2 7/16" 28.3L
6' 0" 19 1/4" 2 1/2" 29.5L
6' 1" 19 1/4" 2 1/2" 29.8L
6' 1" 19 3/4" 2 9/16" 33.1L
6' 1" 19 5/8" 2 9/16" 32.7L
6' 2" 19 3/8" 2 9/16" 31.1L
6' 2" 20 " 2 1/2" 34.7L
6' 2" 20 " 2 5/8" 34.9L
6' 2"20 3/4"2 7/8"41.1l
6' 3" 19 5/8" 2 5/8" 32.8L
6' 3" 19 7/8" 2 3/4" 36.2L
6' 3" 20 3/4" 2 13/16" 39L
6' 3" 20 3/8" 2 5/8" 37.6L
6' 4" 19 3/4" 2 3/4" 35.3L
6' 4" 20 " 2 3/4" 36.9L
6' 4" 20 1/2" 2 3/4" 38.3L
6' 4" 20 1/2" 2 5/8" 38.4L
6' 4" 20 1/2" 3 " 40.3L
6' 4" 21 " 2 7/8" 41L
6' 6" 20 " 2 3/4" 36.4L
6' 6" 20 1/8" 2 13/16" 36.9L
6' 6" 20 3/4" 3 1/16" 42.4L
6' 6" 20 7/8" 2 7/8" 41.9L
6' 6" 21 3/4" 3 " 47.9L
6' 8" 20 1/2" 3 " 41.8L
6' 8" 21 1/2" 2 7/8" 47.L
6' 8" 21 1/2" 3 1/4" 49.6L
6' 10" 21 1/8" 3 3/16" 47L
6'0 x 19 1/2 x 2 1/2 - 31.3L
6'0" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" - 29.7L
6'0" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" 29.7L Fcsii
6'0" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" 29.7L Futures
6'0" X 19" X 2 7/16" 29.5L Fcsii
6'0" X 19" X 2 7/16" 29.5L Futures
6'0" X 20 1/4" X 2 11/16" 34.7L Fcsii
6'0" X 20 1/4" X 2 11/16" 34.7L Futures
6'1 x 19 5/8 x 2 9/16 - 32.7L
6'1" X 19 1/4" X 2 1/2" 30.9L Fcsii
6'1" X 19 1/4" X 2 1/2" 30.9L Futures
6'1" X 19 5/8" X 2 5/8" 31.4L Fcsii
6'1" X 19 5/8" X 2 5/8" 31.4L Futures
6'2" X 19 3/4" X 2 11/16" 32.8L Fcsii
6'2" X 19 3/4" X 2 11/16" 32.8L Futures
6'2" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" 32.3L Fcsii
6'2" X 19 3/8" X 2 9/16" 32.3L Futures
6'2" X 20 5/8" X 2 3/4" 37.2L Fcsii
6'2" X 20 5/8" X 2 3/4" 37.2L Futures
6'3" X 19 1/2" X 2 5/8" 33.8L Fcsii
6'3" X 19 1/2" X 2 5/8" 33.8L Futures
6'3" X 20" X 2 3/4" 34.5L Fcsii
6'3" X 20" X 2 3/4" 34.5L Futures
6'4" X 19 3/4" X 2 11/16" 35.5L Fcsii
6'4" X 19 3/4" X 2 11/16" 35.5L Futures
6'4" X 20 1/4" X 2 7/8" - 37.1L
6'4" X 20 1/4" X 2 7/8" 37.1L Fcsii
6'4" X 20 1/4" X 2 7/8" 37.1L Futures
6'4" X 21" X 2 7/8" 40.5L Fcsii
6'4" X 21" X 2 7/8" 40.5L Futures
6'5" X 20 3/8" X 3" 39.4L Fcsii
6'5" X 20 3/8" X 3" 39.4L Futures
6'6" X 19 7/8" X 2 3/4" 37.5L Fcsii
6'6" X 19 7/8" X 2 3/4" 37.5L Futures
6'6" X 20 1/2" X 3" 40.2L Fcsii
6'6" X 20 1/2" X 3" 40.2L Futures
6'6" X 21 1/2" X 3" 44.3L Fcsii
6'6" X 21 1/2" X 3" 44.3L Futures
6'8" X 20 3/4" X 3 1/16" 42.6L Fcsii
6'8" X 20 3/4" X 3 1/16" 42.6L Futures
6'8" X 21 1/2" X 3" 45.6L Fcsii
6'8" X 21 1/2" X 3" 45.6L Futures
6'10" X 20 7/8" X 3 1/8" 45L Fcsii
6'10" X 20 7/8" X 3 1/8" 45L Futures
6'10" X 21 3/4" X 3 1/16" 48.3L Fcsii
6'10" X 21 3/4" X 3 1/16" 48.3L Futures
7' 0" 21 3/8" 3 1/4" 48.9L
7'0" X 21 7/8" X 3 1/8" 50.9L Fcsii
7'0" X 21 7/8" X 3 1/8" 50.9L Futures
7'0" X 21" X 3 3/16" 47.3L Fcsii
7'0" X 21" X 3 3/16" 47.3L Futures
7'2" X 22" X 3 1/4" 53.4L Fcsii
7'2" X 22" X 3 1/4" 53.4L Futures

Wildcat Twin FCS II / 5' 4" 19 2 3/8" 26.1L

Inspired by beautiful twin-fin designs of the past, built with my curves and contours. The bottom curve is clean, and relatively flat, offering great paddle speed and easy acceleration from the moment you get to your feet. A single/double concave runs throughout the bottom, blending into a moderate V and 4 channels running off the tail. All of this is designed to help the board roll from rail to rail, add a little extra bite off the bottom and quickly respond to weight shifts while easily flowing over softer sections of a wave. This helps increase your speed as you push it through turns. The outline is a blend of traditional and modern as well, with the wide point just up from the centre, moderately wide nose and a classic single wing rounded pintail. The wing and the pin work in conjunction with the channels to provide both drive and maneuverability, allowing for snappy, pivoted turns and sweeping carves. The nose is a refined beak (you know I love these), which lets us run a touch more thickness up under the chest area, keeping you more on top of the water while you paddle. The rails have a modern shortboard feel, but with extra foam taken off to aid in sensitivity and bite. For sizing, go an inch or 2 under your Daily Driver type board, and a ½’’ to an inch wider and a touch more volume.

Inspired by beautiful twin-fin designs of the past, built with my curves and contours. The bottom curve is clean, and relatively flat, offering great paddle speed and easy acceleration from the moment you get to your feet. A single/double concave runs throughout the bottom, blending into a moderate V and 4 channels running off the tail. All of this is designed to help the board roll from rail to rail, add a little extra bite off the bottom and quickly respond to weight shifts while easily flowing over softer sections of a wave. This helps increase your speed as you push it through turns. The outline is a blend of traditional and modern as well, with the wide point just up from the centre, moderately wide nose and a classic single wing rounded pintail. The wing and the pin work in conjunction with the channels to provide both drive and maneuverability, allowing for snappy, pivoted turns and sweeping carves. The nose is a refined beak (you know I love these), which lets us run a touch more thickness up under the chest area, keeping you more on top of the water while you paddle. The rails have a modern shortboard feel, but with extra foam taken off to aid in sensitivity and bite. For sizing, go an inch or 2 under your Daily Driver type board, and a ½’’ to an inch wider and a touch more volume.